Age of the City: How Our Future Will Be Won or Lost Together
“Age of the City” is a book about the challenges facing cities worldwide and the strengths cities can draw on to meet these challenges, which include climate change, rising inequality and the problems of a globalized, post-industrial economy. Ian Goldin is a professor of globalization and development at Oxford University in England. Tom Lee-Devlin is…
Blighted: A Story of People, Politics, and an American Housing Miracle
“Blighted” is a book about the effort to create safe, decent, affordable housing for the working poor, told from an unusual perspective: that of a well-motivated landlord. It focuses on the purchase and renovation of a large apartment complex in south Atlanta. The “big ideas” for Urban Atlanta:
Won’t Lose This Dream: How an Upstart Urban University Rewrote the Rules of a Broken System
“Won’t Lose This Dream” is a book about how a major public institution transformed itself. The institution: Georgia State University. We focused on what this book tells us about how institutional reform takes place. The “big ideas” for Urban Atlanta: