Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking about Public Transit Can Enrich Our Communities and Our Lives
We will discuss a book about how transit works, what allows buses, trains and streetcars to do these things effectively and efficiently, and why these things matter. Its premise is that elected officials, urbanists, riders and even some transit officials barely understand how transit works and, therefore, often make poor decisions about it. Jarrett Walker…
Age of the City: How Our Future Will Be Won or Lost Together
“Age of the City” is a book about the challenges facing cities worldwide and the strengths cities can draw on to meet these challenges, which include climate change, rising inequality and the problems of a globalized, post-industrial economy. Ian Goldin is a professor of globalization and development at Oxford University in England. Tom Lee-Devlin is…
Better Buses, Better Cities: How to Plan, Run, and Win the Fight for Effective Transit
This is a book about how cities could build ridership for their public transit systems if they concentrated more on improving bus services than rail extensions. It is also a book about the role that advocacy could play in reforming public institutions—if it were done right. The “big ideas” for Urban Atlanta:
Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution
“Streetfight” is the inside story of how New York changed many of its streets, adding bike lanes, launching bike sharing and bus rapid transit and expanding pedestrian infrastructure, including 60 pedestrian plazas. The “big ideas” for Urban Atlanta: